Southland Grain & Seed Ltd
Your Local Seed Specialist
Who are we?
Southland Grain and Seed Ltd is a Family owned and operated company, providing quality advice and products to farmers.
Grain Crops
Seed Dressing
Seed Coating
Technical Advice
What is SGS BIO STIMULANT and how does it work. SGS BIO STIMULANT is a product developed from the latest microbiology science. Its primary purpose is to improve germination, increase yield and reduce fertilizer inputs, and put the latest innovation in the hands of farmers at an accessible price. SGS BIO STIMULANT can also improve quality of plants, give drought and stress resistance, disease resistance, improve quality and structure of soil. Trials have shown that SGS BIO STIMULANT can comfortably give yield increases anywhere from 20% to over 50% plus.
On Farm Southland Swede Trial Gives Impressive results.
A Farm in Northern Southland using SGS BIO STIMULANT on outside rounds Direct drilling swedes, got perfect germination, a quality crop and improved yields. Without SGS BIO STIMULANT you can visually see in the photo on the right that Germination was less than 50% in some parts of the Paddock.
Northern Southland Swede Trial, on the right SGS BIO STIMULANT added, on the left normal swedes Direct Drilled.
Southland Grain & Seed Ryegrass Trials
Here at Southland Grain & Seed we have been trialing over 65 different varieties of ryegrass, to see how they perform on high and low analysis fertilizer plots and the results have been interesting. We have found that just by choosing the right grass type, in the first year alone you can increase your production by up to 40%. Southland Grain & Seed is the first company to trial all varieties of ryegrasses in New Zealand. Trials are done in Southland conditions to ensure that all the grass seeds that go out can handle the tough Southland conditions.
How it works - Every month the Grass plots are cut and weighted then the data is sorted out and organized so that you can see which grasses perform in each month and all year round. For example the data allows you to see which grasses handle drought conditions and which grasses handle wet conditions.
Tailor making a grass mix for your farm.
Not all Ryegrasses work the same. Soil type, climate, farm system, stock, grazing habits and fertilizer use all contribute to what grass varieties and mixes will give you a productive and profitable farm, having a seed specialist can help you avoid the many pitfalls in seed selection and give you access to a broader range of seeds, often at affordable prices.